... -Right.pdf
版主: resso
“In 2020, we saw the election of a president
and vice-president who, for the first time
since Franklin Roosevelt, come into office
on a platform explicitly affirming housing as
a right. Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-
WA) introduced “The Housing Is A Human
Right Act” into Congress as part of the rights-
affirming People’s Housing Platform.”
从上面的PDF白纸黑字写的 , 人权是基本权力, 必须保证,主党主张 居住权是人权, 政府必须保证。
小河清流 写了: ↑14 1月 2024, 14:18“In 2020, we saw the election of a president
and vice-president who, for the first time
since Franklin Roosevelt, come into office
on a platform explicitly affirming housing as
a right. Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-
WA) introduced “The Housing Is A Human
Right Act” into Congress as part of the rights-
affirming People’s Housing Platform.”从上面的PDF黑纸白字写的 , 人权是基本权力, 必须保证,主党主张 居住权是人权, 政府必须保证。
居住权确实是基本人权,这也是政府要给流浪汉建shelter,对于不去shelter的人,政府要发帐篷睡袋的原因。 毕竟你不可能看着人家冻饿而死。政府是有义务housing他们,但是不会给他们house。你的理解是不是有问题
resso 写了: ↑14 1月 2024, 14:24小河清流 写了: ↑14 1月 2024, 14:18“In 2020, we saw the election of a president
and vice-president who, for the first time
since Franklin Roosevelt, come into office
on a platform explicitly affirming housing as
a right. Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-
WA) introduced “The Housing Is A Human
Right Act” into Congress as part of the rights-
affirming People’s Housing Platform.”从上面的PDF黑纸白字写的 , 人权是基本权力, 必须保证,主党主张 居住权是人权, 政府必须保证。
居住权确实是基本人权,这也是政府要给流浪汉建shelter,对于不去shelter的人,政府要发帐篷睡袋的原因。 毕竟你不可能看着人家冻饿而死。政府是有义务housing他们,但是不会给他们house。你的理解是不是有问题
就是包吃包住, 全包都是人权,
这不就是社会主义了吗,我 没说社会主义发大房子。