I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


版主: resso

帖子: 661
注册时间: 2023-12-21
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I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#1 帖子 fortyNiner »

The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封". I would like to know if that is applicable to me. I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.
上次由 fortyNiner 在 23 12月 2023, 01:19,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 8062
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 40 time
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Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#2 帖子 shanghaibaba »

fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封禁". I would like to know if that is applicable to me.
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.
good luck
帖子: 661
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 12 time
Been thanked: 47 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#3 帖子 fortyNiner »

wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封". I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(

shanghaibaba 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:18
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封禁". I would like to know if that is applicable to me.
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.
good luck
帖子: 8062
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 40 time
Been thanked: 219 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#4 帖子 shanghaibaba »

fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:20 I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(

shanghaibaba 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:18
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封禁". I would like to know if that is applicable to me.
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.
good luck
帖子: 661
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 12 time
Been thanked: 47 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#5 帖子 fortyNiner »

Sound good.
shanghaibaba 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:22
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:20 I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(

shanghaibaba 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:18

good luck
帖子: 8062
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 40 time
Been thanked: 219 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#6 帖子 shanghaibaba »

fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:26 Sound good.
shanghaibaba 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:22
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:20 I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(

帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 932 time
Been thanked: 336 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#7 帖子 牛大春 »

刚刚看到那边的帖子。"过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封"的说辞确实匪夷所思。 :lol: :lol:

不过不建议仁兄把那边的恩怨带过来。我们来这里是为了营造一个新的和谐社区。Let’s move on.
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封". I would like to know if that is applicable to me. I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.


帖子: 661
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 12 time
Been thanked: 47 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#8 帖子 fortyNiner »

OK, won't provoke to bring him here.
Just curious how many times I can survive before being banned.
牛大春 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:34 刚刚看到那边的帖子。"过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封"的说辞确实匪夷所思。 :lol: :lol:

不过不建议仁兄把那边的恩怨带过来。我们来这里是为了营造一个新的和谐社区。Let’s move on.
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封". I would like to know if that is applicable to me. I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.
帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 932 time
Been thanked: 336 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#9 帖子 牛大春 »

规则就是规则。没听说过节的时候就可以闯红灯。 I believe you have got my point.
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:37 OK, won't provoke to bring him here.
Just curious how many times I can survive before being banned.
牛大春 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:34 刚刚看到那边的帖子。"过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封"的说辞确实匪夷所思。 :lol: :lol:

不过不建议仁兄把那边的恩怨带过来。我们来这里是为了营造一个新的和谐社区。Let’s move on.
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:17 The last two weeks or so, cellcycle1&2 and I called each other 贱。Then about ten days ago, I stopped calling him but he kept doing the same thing. So yesterday I said "** you" to him. Someone reported it and quickly both his and my posts were deleted and we got messages from wh. telling us to stop.
I stopped, however, cellcycle1&2 did not stop and he kept calling me 贱 five more times. Each time I reported, and each time his posts got deleted, but there is no other consequence on him. He's not banned. wh. gave me a reason of "过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封". I would like to know if that is applicable to me. I have a feeling that "过节暂缓封人" has been applied to cellcycle1&2, and "实在不行再封" will be applied to me. :(
So I am going to give wh. a chance to show how fair she is. Let's see if I can survive five times calling cellcycle1&2 贱 before I got banned.


帖子: 661
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 12 time
Been thanked: 47 time

Re: I am going to give wh. a chance to show her fairness


#10 帖子 fortyNiner »

Either you or I misunderstood it.
I thought 过节 meant the 过节 between cellcycle and me.
牛大春 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:42 规则就是规则。没听说过节的时候就可以闯红灯。 I believe you have got my point.
fortyNiner 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:37 OK, won't provoke to bring him here.
Just curious how many times I can survive before being banned.
牛大春 写了: 23 12月 2023, 01:34 刚刚看到那边的帖子。"过节暂缓封人,实在不行再封"的说辞确实匪夷所思。 :lol: :lol:

不过不建议仁兄把那边的恩怨带过来。我们来这里是为了营造一个新的和谐社区。Let’s move on.
