Re: 只有中国有能力开发乌克兰的稀土矿
牛大春 写了: ↑20 2月 2025, 12:01拜登没有出卖乌克兰。
grasshopper 写了: ↑20 2月 2025, 11:59看chatgpt, 搞颜色革命的,民主党共和党都有份,恰恰是拜登主导了乌克兰的颜色革命, 哈哈。
The term "color revolution" typically refers to movements that lead to regime change, often backed by protests, civil resistance, or foreign influence. Some people use the term to describe U.S. foreign policy efforts to promote democracy abroad, while others see it as a form of interference in other nations' internal affairs.
In the U.S., politicians across different administrations have supported pro-democracy movements in countries like Ukraine (Orange Revolution), Georgia (Rose Revolution), and elsewhere. Some notable figures who have backed such efforts include:
John McCain (R) – Strong supporter of democracy movements in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Hillary Clinton (D) – As Secretary of State, she promoted U.S. support for democracy movements during the Arab Spring.
Victoria Nuland (State Department official under Bush, Obama, and Biden) – Involved in U.S. policy on Ukraine, including during the 2014 Maidan uprising.
Joe Biden (D) – Advocated for democracy efforts in Ukraine and Belarus.
Lindsey Graham (R) – Has consistently supported opposition movements in authoritarian states.
Marco Rubio (R) – Vocal about supporting democratic uprisings in Venezuela and China (Hong