Re: 弱弱的问一个问题
发表于 : 29 12月 2023, 14:51
不但有本科,还有master和 phd。。。fortyNiner 写了: ↑29 12月 2023, 14:34 Does UCLA have a nursing program?
I thought nursing is an associate degree.
不但有本科,还有master和 phd。。。fortyNiner 写了: ↑29 12月 2023, 14:34 Does UCLA have a nursing program?
I thought nursing is an associate degree.
Nursing 啊。护士其实需要学的东西很多。fortyNiner 写了: ↑29 12月 2023, 15:00 I can understand why master and phd, they need them to teach. Then you need to have undergraduate before they can go for their master or phd. But what do most of the people with nursing undergrad degree do? I am just curious.
现在护士就相当于一个弱化版的医生,要学很多东西fortyNiner 写了: ↑29 12月 2023, 15:34 I thought most of the nurses I see at hospitals have associate degrees from community colleges.