

版主: resso

帖子: 8219
注册时间: 2023-12-21
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#1 帖子 牛大春 »



Republican women can vote for Kamala Harris — and they don’t need to tell anyone about it.

That was the most striking takeaway from Liz Cheney’s blue wall swing-state tour with the vice president on Monday, as the hardline conservative and former congresswoman created a permission structure of personal empowerment for suburban Republican and independent women to snub Donald Trump and back the Democratic nominee.

The mother of five, who was staunchly anti-abortion as a lawmaker and who cheered the demise of Roe v. Wade, also warned women aren’t getting needed reproductive health care after the Supreme Court’s momentous 2022 decision and said that only Harris had the compassion to deal with the issue.

Cheney repeatedly made clear she still opposes abortion but explained in Waukesha County, a swing district just outside Milwaukee, that “I have been very troubled, deeply troubled by what I have watched happen in so many states.” She added, “I have been troubled by the extent to which you have women who, as the vice president said, in some cases, have died, who can’t get medical treatment that they need because providers are worried about criminal liability.”

She added: “We are facing a situation today where I think that it’s an untenable one.”

Cheney was speaking in her third event of the day with Harris, which included earlier stops in Pennsylvania and Michigan and in which she often made a more expansive case against the Republican nominee than the vice president has made herself.

Earlier, in a Detroit suburb, Cheney had noted that some Republicans feared reprisals, even violence, if they came out against Trump. “I would just remind people, if you’re at all concerned, you can vote your conscience and not ever have to say a word to anybody,” Cheney said, as she sat side-by-side with Harris. “There will be millions of Republicans who do that on November 5.”


帖子: 5612
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 39 time
Been thanked: 149 time

Re: 哈里斯和栗子切尼一天转了三个州


#2 帖子 shanghaibaba »

牛大春 写了: 今天, 00:42



Republican women can vote for Kamala Harris — and they don’t need to tell anyone about it.

That was the most striking takeaway from Liz Cheney’s blue wall swing-state tour with the vice president on Monday, as the hardline conservative and former congresswoman created a permission structure of personal empowerment for suburban Republican and independent women to snub Donald Trump and back the Democratic nominee.

The mother of five, who was staunchly anti-abortion as a lawmaker and who cheered the demise of Roe v. Wade, also warned women aren’t getting needed reproductive health care after the Supreme Court’s momentous 2022 decision and said that only Harris had the compassion to deal with the issue.

Cheney repeatedly made clear she still opposes abortion but explained in Waukesha County, a swing district just outside Milwaukee, that “I have been very troubled, deeply troubled by what I have watched happen in so many states.” She added, “I have been troubled by the extent to which you have women who, as the vice president said, in some cases, have died, who can’t get medical treatment that they need because providers are worried about criminal liability.”

She added: “We are facing a situation today where I think that it’s an untenable one.”

Cheney was speaking in her third event of the day with Harris, which included earlier stops in Pennsylvania and Michigan and in which she often made a more expansive case against the Republican nominee than the vice president has made herself.

Earlier, in a Detroit suburb, Cheney had noted that some Republicans feared reprisals, even violence, if they came out against Trump. “I would just remind people, if you’re at all concerned, you can vote your conscience and not ever have to say a word to anybody,” Cheney said, as she sat side-by-side with Harris. “There will be millions of Republicans who do that on November 5.”


帖子: 8219
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 808 time
Been thanked: 245 time

Re: 哈里斯和栗子切尼一天转了三个州


#3 帖子 牛大春 »

shanghaibaba 写了: 今天, 00:45



1 民主党在三个州的参议员选举情况略好一些。这是因为他们都是摇摆州出来的,在天然气等领域的主张向来偏中立。

2 哈里斯的问题主要是加州背景,以前在能源和气候变化问题上比较激进。所以她获得提名后全力往中间靠拢。现在和栗子切尼在铁锈带转悠,主要就是加强自己是中间派的形象。毕竟年初支持黑莉的建制派票很多,拉到一半就是胜利。

3 因为2,哈里斯迟迟没有明确表态支持密西根的阿拉伯社区。这是一个很明显的代价。最新民调是今年投川普的阿拉伯人可能还略多一些,很可能跟2016年希拉里的票数类似。作为参考,2020年拜登拿到了接近70%的阿拉伯选票。



帖子: 125
注册时间: 2024-07-11
Has thanked: 5 time
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Re: 哈里斯和栗子切尼一天转了三个州


#4 帖子 dhd »

