版主: resso
- fortyNiner
- 中坚
- 帖子: 661
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
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Re: 为啥加州的美墨边境管理的井井有条
Look at the map, most of Mexico's population is closer to TX border than to CA border.
Re: 为啥加州的美墨边境管理的井井有条
走线总是要设计一下,看看成功的概率么,又不是去邻居家串门,抬脚就走。墨西哥大多数人口在中部,离美墨边境挺远的fortyNiner 写了: ↑30 12月 2023, 23:30 Look at the map, most of Mexico's population is closer to TX border than to CA border.