还有另一个发大财的, 跟民主党非法移民产业有关NGO, 公司。
版主: resso
- fortyNiner
- 中坚
- 帖子: 661
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
- Has thanked: 12 time
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Re: 原来人口走私和贩毒一样是每年上百亿的大生意
From what I know, Reagan was the first president to give large scale illegal immigrants amnesty.
小河清流 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 16:46fortyNiner 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 15:28Looks like you blame almost everything on Obama. Obama is just a mediocre president, he cannot make that much difference. If you don't remember further than Obama's time, fine, at least do some research please.
奥巴马2012年底搞了DACA行政令, 但是后来有合法性的, 人们还不大敢来, 后来过几年 DACA被判是合法的,也就是大赦成功了, 大家就敢来了。
- fortyNiner
- 中坚
- 帖子: 661
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
- Has thanked: 12 time
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Re: 原来人口走私和贩毒一样是每年上百亿的大生意
Plus, DACA is for minors. How many of the current surge are minors?
小河清流 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 16:46fortyNiner 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 15:28Looks like you blame almost everything on Obama. Obama is just a mediocre president, he cannot make that much difference. If you don't remember further than Obama's time, fine, at least do some research please.
奥巴马2012年底搞了DACA行政令, 但是后来有合法性的, 人们还不大敢来, 后来过几年 DACA被判是合法的,也就是大赦成功了, 大家就敢来了。
Re: 原来人口走私和贩毒一样是每年上百亿的大生意
fortyNiner 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 16:54From what I know, Reagan was the first president to give large scale illegal immigrants amnesty.
里根虽然大赦了, 可是他下一步是下不为例。 可是民主党的发的信息是欢迎所有人。
- fortyNiner
- 中坚
- 帖子: 661
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
- Has thanked: 12 time
- Been thanked: 47 time
Re: 原来人口走私和贩毒一样是每年上百亿的大生意
Saying 下不为例 but doing the opposite is of no use.
I am against illegal immigration, but I think both parties are responsible for the mess, though dems are more responsible.
小河清流 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 16:59fortyNiner 写了: ↑28 1月 2024, 16:54From what I know, Reagan was the first president to give large scale illegal immigrants amnesty.
里根虽然大赦了, 可是他下一步是下不为例。 可是民主党的发的信息是欢迎所有人。