Billionaires are planning fundraisers for Haley


版主: resso

帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
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Billionaires are planning fundraisers for Haley


#1 帖子 牛大春 »

The fundraiser is scheduled to be held in New York City on Jan. 30 and will be hosted by billionaires Stanley Druckenmiller, Henry Kravis, Ken Langone and Cliff Asness, according to an invitation viewed by Bloomberg. Puck News first reported the fundraiser.

The event is being planned as part of a broader nationwide fundraising push being planned by the Haley campaign between the Jan. 23 GOP primary in New Hampshire and the Feb. 24 South Carolina primary, a donor told Bloomberg on the condition of anonymity.

Invitations posted by Puck News showed that Haley has four fundraisers planned in New York City at the end of January, followed by three in Florida, four in California, three in Texas and one in South Carolina, her home state, on Feb. 20 in the closing days before the state’s primary. ... llionaires


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Re: Billionaires are planning fundraisers for Haley


#2 帖子 Haleismile »


帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
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Re: Billionaires are planning fundraisers for Haley


#3 帖子 牛大春 »

Haleismile 写了: 24 1月 2024, 09:00


She performs well last night. Better than most polls.


帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 932 time
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Re: Billionaires are planning fundraisers for Haley


#4 帖子 牛大春 »

As of Tuesday night, she had fundraising trips planned for New York, California and Florida. An outside super PAC, Americans for Prosperity — which has provided on-the-ground support for Haley — said it didn’t need to see an outright win in New Hampshire to keep moving forward; it was more important to promote a Republican who was electable enough to beat Biden and lift GOP candidates competing in lower-level races on the ballot.

“Aside from her really having a poor showing, we would continue. We are already laying the groundwork not just in South Carolina but in many of those Super Tuesday states," Drew Klein, a senior adviser to AFP Action, said before the results. "We’re planning now to move on to South Carolina and continue our efforts in that state and continue moving forward.”

Haley still had a rally in Charleston planned for Wednesday and had already started spending money on a previously announced $4 million ad buy there.

“Nikki Haley shocked the world before. She did it numerous times in South Carolina politics,” said Alex Stroman, the executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party. A strong Haley showing, he said, “sets it up for there to be 32 days of barnstorming the state. South Carolina is not New Hampshire and not Iowa; it is truly a microcosm of what the Republican Party looks like.”

