Dixville Notch Votes for Nikki Haley in NH Primary


版主: resso

帖子: 11218
注册时间: 2023-12-21
Has thanked: 932 time
Been thanked: 336 time

Dixville Notch Votes for Nikki Haley in NH Primary


#1 帖子 牛大春 »


The tiny town in northern New Hampshire opened and closed its poll just after midnight ET on the morning of the state’s primary. Four registered Republican voters and two independents participated in the vote, in which former President Donald Trump, the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, failed to earn support.

In New Hampshire’s northern tip, Dixville Notch is the first place to declare primary results because voters there cast ballots so early. Its midnight voting tradition dates back to 1960.

While the neighboring cities of Hart’s Location and Millsfield began midnight voting earlier than that, they haven’t participated continuously and aren’t conducting midnight voting this year. A fictionalized version of the three neighbors was featured in an episode of Aaron Sorkin’s “West Wing” dubbed “Hartsfield’s Landing.”


帖子: 9860
注册时间: 2023-12-22
Has thanked: 66 time
Been thanked: 466 time

Re: Dixville Notch Votes for Nikki Haley in NH Primary


#2 帖子 who »

牛大春 写了: 23 1月 2024, 09:29


The tiny town in northern New Hampshire opened and closed its poll just after midnight ET on the morning of the state’s primary. Four registered Republican voters and two independents participated in the vote, in which former President Donald Trump, the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, failed to earn support.

In New Hampshire’s northern tip, Dixville Notch is the first place to declare primary results because voters there cast ballots so early. Its midnight voting tradition dates back to 1960.

While the neighboring cities of Hart’s Location and Millsfield began midnight voting earlier than that, they haven’t participated continuously and aren’t conducting midnight voting this year. A fictionalized version of the three neighbors was featured in an episode of Aaron Sorkin’s “West Wing” dubbed “Hartsfield’s Landing.”

