版主: who
- 精英
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- 中坚
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Re: 日本都干什么去了这些年。
关于乘法表 Multiplication Table,Google AI 给出的结果:
In the United States, students typically learn multiplication tables in the second or third grade. However, the age at which students learn multiplication tables can vary depending on the student's ability and the teaching method.
Obviously! Every body knows it (the table).
- 精英
- 帖子: 8062
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
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Re: 日本都干什么去了这些年。
shepherd17 写了: ↑29 1月 2025, 18:11关于乘法表 Multiplication Table,Google AI 给出的结果:
In the United States, students typically learn multiplication tables in the second or third grade. However, the age at which students learn multiplication tables can vary depending on the student's ability and the teaching method.我问儿子他会不会乘法表。他说:
Obviously! Every body knows it (the table).
报告大家一个好消息,ap物理里面把 磅,英尺,华氏温度给取消了。学生只需要掌握公制单位的计算就可以了
- 中坚
- 帖子: 1743
- 注册时间: 2023-12-24
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- 精英
- 帖子: 8062
- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
- Has thanked: 40 time
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- 精英
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- 注册时间: 2023-12-21
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